Worship Ministries
Lectors are fluent readers that are willing to proclaim The Word to the congregation. Commitment to this ministry is flexible. Contact the Parish Center for more information.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers are lay people who distribute Holy Communion either at Mass or to the Homebound or Nursing Homes. Commitment for this ministry is flexible. Contact the Parish Center for more information.
Ushers welcome the congregation. They are charged with administering the collection in an orderly fashion. They are there to assist members of the congregation with seating and other duties as assigned. Commitment for this ministry is flexible. Contact the Parish Center for more information.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are parishioners 5th grade and up. They assist the priests and deacons in the celebration of all liturgical services. Commitment for this ministry is flexible. Contact the Parish Center for more information.